An inquisitive Jackdaw

Jackdaw2Whilst in Wales in January I came across this little fella (at least I think he was a fella and actually he wasn’t that little either). I’m not entirely sure, but I think he’s an inquisitive jackdaw. I’ve done a little research online and that seems to be the closest I can find to him.

Isn’t he adorable? Okay, so I’m clearly not some kind of enthusiastic ornithologist but when a ‘wild’ animal lets me up close and personal, I do get quite excited at the prospect of photographing him. This guy was too cool for school… he let me get closer and closer to take these photos before he eventually got bored of me clicking away.
Jackdaw5 Jackdaw4 Jackdaw3
It was in the town of Betws-y-Coed in Snowdonia. We were just having a wander around, checking out the sites when I noticed him hopping around quite happily not far from us so I approached with my camera (the lens I was using at the time had no zoom so I had to get really close to capture these images) and clicked away. He totally made my day! I absolutely love to take photos of animals, perhaps I should try it more often!

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