My yoga journey

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I love yoga. It’s a passion of mine that’s been developing over the past couple of years and one which is only getting stronger with the passage of time. Unfortunately, due to an ongoing back injury, my yoga journey was put on hold for a few months last year (and then again for about a month in December/January) but I yearned for it when I wasn’t able to do it. Thankfully, now I understand where the weakness in my back is stemming from, which helps me to avoid certain poses which make it worse.


After practising yoga for a year, I started pushing myself way too much, too soon (for someone with this kind of back problem anyway) and my lower back ended up not able to take it. Fortunately I visited the most amazing chiropractor who knew what the problem was immediately. A weak sacroiliac joint, apparently. And it was something that couldn’t be fixed there and then (bummer). However, he reiterated that if I strengthened my spine and avoided certain postures, all would be a-ok. And he was right.



With the exception of December / January when I pushed myself too much again (I hadn’t yet realised which poses affected me adversely), I’m pretty much back to normal. I still get twinges in the lower back, usually during the night or first thing in the morning – but I always feel better after I’ve practised yoga.


For about the first year or so of my yoga journey, I attended a wonderful class which was perhaps a little too advanced for my poor back (at the time). And now that I understand my SI joint problem, I know that I was putting way too much pressure on it – which is undoubtedly why I ended up having to stop for a while. Forward bends and seated wide-legged folds are the worst! But I was so determined to plant my fingers on my toes that I forced myself until I cried with pain. Looking back, I’m almost ashamed of myself for doing so. Yoga should never cause pain like that. But now I know.


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Since getting back on my Jade Yoga mat (it’s a pro mat I bought a few months ago that I highly recommend) earlier this year, I’ve begun afresh and I’m thoroughly enjoying a regular home practise – every morning, five or six days a week, for at least half an hour is such a treat. Lesley Fightmaster, Yoga with Adriene, Do Yoga With Me, Do You Yoga are just a few of the amazing online sites that I use – all of which I’d highly recommend).

This morning however, I followed a different online class which was an hour and twenty minutes long. And it was utter bliss. Hard, but wonderful. I even managed to do a few postures which have proved too difficult over the past year which made me smile (apt, considering the class was about happiness).


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I can feel myself becoming stronger, my arms and shoulders are looking more toned, my abs feel way more solid (although I do need to shift the layer of fat that’s on top!), but most importantly, my back feels stronger – which is the main reason I started on this yoga journey in the first place.

Now though, my journey is changing. I’m so smitten with yoga that I want to share it with everyone. I want all my friends to do it, to feel the wonder that it creates. So, I’m going on a yoga teacher training course in a few months time. I’ll be gone for a month. A month of intensive training and I can’t wait. I’m so excited to learn and to deepen my practise and to eventually be able to share it with you. Namaste <3


Suzy Yoga

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