Why there is nothing wrong with being perfectly imperfect

Perfectly Imperfect
Perfectly Imperfect

Isn’t it funny how our body confidence seems to change as we get older? We tend to have less confidence when our bodies look their best and more confidence when the wrinkles and cellulite have set in, right? But what’s wrong with being perfectly imperfect? Absolutely nothing.

In my late teens and twenties, I didn’t exactly like the way I looked. I scrutinised everything about my body, even though (looking back now), I had a perfect figure, smooth skin and looked pretty good in a swimsuit. Now, I don’t think I look so hot in a swimsuit but I don’t mind the way I look. I’m relatively confident to be on the beach or by the pool with a few little bits of fabric covering my bits! So much so, that when I had the chance to pose in some gorgeous new underwear, I jumped at the chance. Okay, so perhaps I didn’t literally jump but after giving it some thought I decided why not? Lingerie is just the same as swimwear anyway, right? Provided we’re not talking about the kinky stuff, that is!

Perfectly Imperfect

Belle Lingerie kindly sent me a very pretty bra and matching knickers and asked me to write a post for them (as well as write a post here on my blog). So here I am… in all my near-naked glory and I’m absolutely fine with it. Even though these photos were taken towards the end of our holiday recently. After a month of barely any yoga. And a month of pigging out on Dunkin’ Donuts, hot chocolate drinks, lots of chocolates and way too much fried food!

Hopefully, the next time I have the opportunity to showcase some more lingerie I’ll be a bit more toned. But, like I said, I’m ok with this. This is me. And it’s so important to love who you are. To love you for being you. After all, this body is the only one you’ve got. You can’t ever trade it in for a better one. Well… in a few years that just might be possible but not right now. Patience 😉

Perfectly Imperfect

Would you pose in your underwear? Seriously, have a proper think about it. There’s nothing to be scared about. We’re all the same underneath it all anyway. We’re all skin and bone, and fat and muscles, etc. So what’s the big deal? When you’ve done it once, you’ll find the confidence just oozes out of you.

Perfectly Imperfect

If you’re a teenager or in your twenties reading this, now is the time to start loving yourself for who you are. Don’t compare yourself to the person next to you, and definitely don’t compare yourself to that person on Instagram or in the glossy magazines. They’re not real anyway, because they’ve either been photoshopped or they’re using so many filters! Just be you. You’re beautiful just the way you are. And so are you, my lovely 30 and 40+ friends. Don’t hide behind your clothes because you’re a little bit older. Embrace your body in all it’s glory. We are all beautiful in so many ways: inside and out.

By the way, I didn’t use any filters or anything for these photos. One or two might look a little different light-wise because the TV was on and it kept changing the light.

Be free to love yourself wholly. I know I do. It’s taken me a little while but I truly feel like I am there. I no longer feel inadequate because of my bunions, my crooked teeth, the many sun spots on my skin, the cellulite on my thighs, my wrinkles or my little tummy rolls! It’s funny when I list all the things I used to hate about myself. Now I love and accept that I am perfectly imperfect. Are you? I challenge you to write a post about how you are perfectly imperfect. If you do, please share your post with me in the comments below.

Visit Belle Lingerie online and check out the fabulous selection of underwear on offer.

By the way, these photos were taken in the AKA hotel room where we stayed in New York. It was a lovely place with such spacious rooms. I’d definitely stay there again! I wonder if they’d laugh knowing that a lingerie ‘photoshoot’ was taking place there he he he.

* This is a sponsored post but all thoughts and opinions and entirely mine.

Come and check out my brand new WEEKLY TOP PICKS! Some of the things that have caught my eye whilst doing a little online shopping. I’ll be sharing exciting new things each and every week so do keep coming back for more!

Perfectly Imperfect


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