My latest YouTube video: 10 facts about me…

Late last week I uploaded a YouTube video entitled 10 Facts About Me. It’s a fun video where I explain ten interesting facts about me (you don’t say!?! lol). So far, it’s had ten views. Ten views! Pitiful, right? So, I’m asking if you have five minutes, to check it out…hopefully, it might give you a bit of a giggle…

Do you have a YouTube channel? Do let me know in the comments section, because I’d love to check yours out too! Let me know what you vlog about—I’m super curious! Or you could say I’m just super nosey. It’s because I started my career off as a trainee journalist, and that intrigue never really left me!

Did you know you need to have at least 100 YouTube subscribers before you can give your channel a unique name? So, if you’re interested in my content, please subscribe to my channel too! I only need another 88 subscribers LOL!!!!

To pique your curiosity, here are a few images that appear in my video, ’10 facts about me’…

10 facts about me
10 facts about me

If you’re looking for more video content, check out my review of Mylee’s Mygel Magic Remover and my How-to remove gel nails video! You can also find some (I’ll be uploading more soon) yoga videos on my YouTube channel too.

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