This black, purple and green top is so me!

black, purple and green

I wore this fabulous black, purple and green top when we went out for dinner again—that’s two nights in a row! I mentioned the first night in Monday’s post, and the following night was a visit to our lovely neighbour’s house for a bite to eat. As always with them, we had such a un evening laughing and joking all night long.

I’ve had this top since Christmas when my in-laws bought it for me. I had mentioned how much I love gothic style clothing, so when I opened this gift I was over the moon! I adore that it has two black cats hidden within it. Isn’t it cute? I’m also a massive fan of black, purple and green—it’s like the perfect colour combination for witchy folk lol! If you love this kind of style, I recommend The Kinky Angel, they have tonnes of cool gothic, witchy and steampunk stuff (and super sexy bedroom wear too wink wink lol).

This is the first time I’ve worn it, and I can’t wait to style it in a more witchy way lol. But as jeans are often my go-to wardrobe staple, I figured on this occasion I would simple style the top with black jeans (H&M) and the Ecco heels I bought late last year in the sale. Although they’re heels, they’re not too high and they have a particularly comfortable footbed so I could probably wear them and actually walk somewhere lol.

I accessorised with a necklace I bought from eBay years ago. It was probably one of the first things I ever bought from there. It’s gorgeous isn’t it? The only problem with it is the first time I wore it was to an Indian Restaurant and as I was leaving, one of the beaded strands broke and beads cascaded all over the floor! It was so embarrassing. I managed to collect a few before making a swift exit!

I’m also using the Desigual handbag I bought from their outlet store a couple of years ago. It’s quite rock chick and I love it. I know it doesn’t match the black, purple and green of the top, but the style goes well with the outfit.

When I was taking the photos before we went over to our neighhbour’s house, my eyes suddenly started stinging and really streaming. I didn’t realise it at the time, but I ended up with black mascara all down my face! It was very windy but I don’t know if it was that that caused it or if face cream had gotten into my eye! Luckily, it was the eye you can’t see in this picture lol!

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