I’m not a fan of shorts. On me, anyway. Even though I don’t like my legs, I love them for the wonderful job they do carrying me around all day! I just don’t like seeing my legs in certain things, and shorts are one of those things. The longer the shorts are, the happier I am—usually. So, when I spotted these blue and white shorts in the H&M sale last week, I impressed myself by picking them up and trying them on. Now, I know they make me look bigger around the middle but I suddenly realised some thing very important. I realised that it doesn’t matter. Who cares if I might look bigger around the middle? Nobody else does, so why should I? It was kind of like a revelation…so I bought the shorts!
I wore them to go shopping with Michael and I loved them. I was so comfortable walking around in this ridiculous heat, that I didn’t bat an eyelid whenever I saw myself in the mirror. In fact, I think I might be starting to like my legs a little bit more every day. All because of one pair of blue and white shorts.

They only cost me about ten euros too, which is absolutely brilliant, right? On this occasion, I wore them with my navy blue vest, also from H&M (of which I have many) and my newest pair of sandals from Timberland. We bought them in Barcelona a few months ago, and also got this pretty white watch at the same time. I decided not to wear much jewellery because it’s just too hot, isn’t it? I can’t be doing with too much stuff on. I even had a bikini bra top on beneath the vest, for extra coolness!

The second I got home, everything came off anyway lol!
What have you been wearing in this heat? Anything exciting? Or are you wandering around in your undies (which seems like the most sensible thing to do right now). Let me know, and link-up all your posts in the Neverending Style link-up, below! I’m still unsure if I’ll be able to post the link-up over the next few weeks because of various personal issues going on…but do check back, just in case! Thank you so much for all your support!