A classic look for everyday wear

I haven’t worn my Converse All Stars for ages. To be honest with you, I kind of went off of them for a while. I got so used to wearing my super comfy shoes (Calla, Skechers, Eccos, for example), that I just couldn’t be bothered with my Converse anymore. I used to have so many pairs but I gave most of them away (and sold the more expensive ones on eBay). My little grey pair though, I keep for this time of year. They are kind of nice to have when the weather is in between hot and cold.

Do you do that? Do you get fed up of stuff, so give it away? I’ve given away so many items of clothing and accessories over the past couple of years, some of which I forget why lol. For this outfit, for example, I wanted a little black bag. I’ve had several but could I find any? Nope. I’d got rid of them all! As I knew this look needed a bag this shape, I went with the creamy-white one from Parfois. The colour is all wrong, but none of my other bags were right either. So, this would have to do. I guess I shall have to go black bag shopping lol!

I’ve actually just ordered a new handbag from Zara. I knew immediately that I had to have it. According to the courier, it was supposed to have been delivered on Friday. I hope it comes today. It’s a gorgeous light blue velvet bag—in this shape actually. It would’ve looked pretty good with this outfit, come to think of it! I’ll find a black one soon enough, I’m sure of it.

Anyway, about this particular outfit. I call it a classic look for everyday wear. A look that’s not about fashion or current trends, because it’s simply a classic. Right? Although, having said that, apparently white jeans are quite ‘in’ at the moment. That, and the fact that they’re a boyfriend fit. But I’m not bothered about that. I knew I wanted to wear white jeans, grey Converse, a shirt and a blazer. It was just a question of what shirt? Ideally, I’d have preferred a thinner pin-striped shirt but this is the only one I had that would go. It’s actually sleeveless. Once I put all the elements together, I was rather pleased with the look (apart from the wrong colour handbag, that is!).

I think what really completes my classic look for everyday wear, is a slick of red lipstick. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. It’s amazing how a slick of red lippy can really make an outfit sing.

Outfit Details:
Striped sleeveless shirt – Primark
White jeans – Massimo Dutti
Black blazer – George at Asda
Handbag – Parfois
Converse – Schuh
Watch – Michael Kors
Bracelets – gifts from mother-in-law!
Ring – Swarovski

Pearl necklace – TJC (from mother-in-law)


Galatea Pearl – Golden South Sea Momento Talking Pearl Pendant with Chain
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