Finding a new passion with conceptual photography

Hello my friends! I’m so sorry I’ve been neglecting you. I’ve been so focussed on The Grey Brunette lately that it almost looks like I’ve forgotten all about you. Well, I wanted you to know that I haven’t! I’m here and I ain’t going anywhere. Especially now that I have found a new passion lol. I assure you, you’re going to be seeing a lot more of me around here, and don’t worry, I will write more books as well.

Conceptual Photography

So, what’s this all about? I hear you ask. Well, I’ve started really getting into conceptual photography. You could also call it creative photography art, I guess. Basically, it’s where I produce photos which I then manipulate in various ways through Photoshop (although in my case, I prefer to use Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer) to make beautiful, and weird art lol.

conceptual photography

I’ve produced a few already (pictured), and as I was sharing it on The Grey Brunette, I had a sudden epiphany (!). I realised that my conceptual photography would probably be better received by the readers of this blog, rather than the readers of The Grey Brunette who are more interested in 40+ fashion and lifestyle. The artwork that I am producing is quite dark and eerie—a lot like my books! So, it makes sense to me that I should put them together, right? See where I’m coming from?

conceptual photography

Book Covers

Also, if you look at my book covers, you’ll probably realise that I’ve actually been doing this kind of thing for a few years now! The fundamental difference, however, is that I’m now taking the photos myself, as opposed to using stock photography. I’m super excited about it all, and I’m slowly learning about conceptual photography as well as using the software to make it. I’ve got a new camera on order which will enable me to take even better pictures, which I’m super stoked about lol! I can’t wait for it to arrive.

And yesterday, I spent the best part of the day visiting various thrift shops (and others) to buy clothes and props for my conceptual photography—I even found two wedding dresses!! So, I hope you’ll stick around to see what’s coming. So, in the words of the droid that had her head exploded in Total Recall, “Get ready for a surprise!” he he he.

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