It’s been a while since I had that fire in my belly to create and with the re-launch of my old YouTube channel (which I’ve re-branded Daydreams & Curiosities), it’s starting to gain momentum again which is awesome. I think perhaps the weather helps though, too, to be honest. I find I’m much more excited about everything when it starts to cool down, because I simply don’t seem to be able to function at my best when it’s hot! So, here’s my latest YouTube video (below) where I talk about what I’m up to and what I’m planning. I hope you’ll take a peek and, if you’re not already following, please subscribe to the channel. Every little helps!
I decided to rebrand the channel Daydreams & Curiosities because I am a real daydreamer and I love being a curious and creative soul! I also really liked the way it rolled off the tongue! I hope you’ll check it out.
If you’re wondering what’s familiar about this witch (below). Well, it’s because it’s an AI image I created using my own image as a base. So it’s kind of an AI interpretation of me as a witch! Isn’t it fun?! Yeah, she’s a bit younger than I am lol. But you can definitely see my likeness in her, right? I’m growing my hair again and hoping to get it as long as this…but we’ll see!

I love playing with AI, and it’s only going to get better and better. I’m a huge fan of Leonardo AI, but lately I’ve also been using Bing for it too, which also produces some stunning imagery. You should give it a try if you haven’t already. I’m sure you’ll find it quite addictive!
But that’s it for today. I had planned on creating another video this morning but the builders are particularly noisy so that put paid to that idea! What have you been up to lately? I’d love to hear from you!