A first for me: denim culottes with knee high boots

Denim Culottes

I’ve never really been a fan of culottes but when I spotted these denim culottes in Pull & Bear a couple of years ago, I figured I’d give them a try. They’ve featured once on the blog before (with a Harry Potter tee and Converse) but never with boots. I have to admit that it’s a look that’s taken me some time to come round to, to say the least.

Denim Culotte

I will wear what I like

In typical husband fashion, Michael said I looked like something out of a pantomime (!) but I chose to ignore his comment and wore this outfit out to a casual dinner with friends. After my post a few weeks ago about wearing what I like, I gave him two fingers (figuratively speaking of course) and wore it anyway. Although it might look like a warm, sunny day, it was freaking cold! A bitterly chilly wind was blowing so hard that I just had to get the boots back out again (so much for it being the start of Spring).

Denim culottes

Usually, you’ll find me in my trusty skinny jeans and boots but it was great to wear jeans in a different style for a change. I also think denim culottes can be a great way to show off your favourite boots – highlighting them perfectly. These boots were from none other than Massimo Dutti a few years ago. They have featured on the blog only once before though. I do love them, but my feet aren’t so great with heels these days so I tend to wear them when there’s little walking to be done! Shame I didn’t think about that this time – we ended up shopping for a mother’s day gift for mother-in-law after dinner!

Denim Culottes


Surprisingly, the slouchy cardigan featured in the same post about the boots, considering I hardly ever wear it. It did feature once before that though, when I first bought it.

My new snood

My newest addition to this outfit is the snood, which we bought whilst in Edinburgh in January. Although I’m not normally a beige person (it does me no favours at all), the black and red stripes seem to soften it a bit. I absolutely love it. Perhaps it’s because it has a hint of Burberry to it 😉 Plus, it certainly helped to keep me warm while we ate our dinner in the food court at Aqua Shopping!

Denim Culottes


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