Denim skirt: I’m finally getting my legs out ready for summer!

Denim skirt

Get ready folks… put your sunglasses on because I’ve got my legs out and they’ll blind you otherwise! For someone who lives in a warm climate, my legs are ridiculously white… almost translucent. But last weekend, I decided it was time to get them out, so I put my denim skirt on and went for a drive in the country with hubby.


In the hills and valleys of the beautiful area known as Odelouca, we found this gorgeous little spot where a stream welcomed a multitude of storks and other animals (we could hear them but didn’t see any other creatures though!). Although the wind was a tiny bit chilly, the glorious sun made for a beautiful day with blue skies and the odd fluffy cloud. I’m so lucky to be living in this part of the world.

Denim skirt

Denim skirt

Denim skirt

I chose this denim skirt (from Modalfa) because I’m not quite ready for shorts yet and you know how I’m obsessed with denim so it seemed the natural progression lol. I must say, I’m not a huge fan of this skirt though because I’m always having to pull it down. It was driving me mad! I guess I need to find one that fits a bit better?


Denim skirt

The stripey top is from Quebramar, one of hubby’s favourite shops. It’s kind of a ‘boating’ style shop, selling all kinds of clothes suitable for those that enjoy spending time on the water. We’ve both got quite a few tops from there, mostly polo-style but it’s a great place for good quality clothes. I loved this top as soon as I spotted it – probably the stripes!

Red shoes

Denim skirt

You’re probably wondering about the red shoes. They’re fab, aren’t they? I’ve had them years and years and they’re still in great condition. I got them from Clarks so needless to say they’re super comfortable and very supportive underfoot (they’re Active Air). I love the cross-over straps, I think they add that little bit of fun, don’t you think? They’re a great alternative to sneakers, with their rubber soles too.

Denim skirt

You might remember me telling you about this handbag that I bought in a popular leather shop in my hometown here in the Algarve. After I paid 70 euros for it, I got it home only to discover it’s not even leather! But I do love it so I kept it lol.

Denim skirt


Style Splash / Not Dressed as Lamb / Elegantly Dressed & Stylish / Living on Cloud Nine

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