Do sad movies make you cry?

Drowning in tears

Are you a blubbering mess at the end of most soppy movies? I am. I’m terrible. I have even been known to cry watching adverts and… even during Eastenders once (I don’t watch it any more) and music videos. Actually I just have to listen to a sad song and I’m off, nose running, eyes watering and blotchy. What a mess.

There are even some sad movies out there that I refuse to watch because I know they’re going to make me cry my heart out. For this very reason I still haven’t seen The Notebook, Atonement, Dear John or Marley and Me – even though I’ve been told they’re all amazing. And I won’t watch ET, Pearl Harbour or Titanic for a second time (even thought they were awesome too). I can’t bear it. I want to be uplifted at the end, not drowning in a sea of my own tears.

I guess I’m just a really emotional gal, right? Is it just me? Do you cry the second someone promises to love his girl forever and ever before he goes and walks off a cliff? Or when the most gorgeous and devoted dog is killed in a plane crash? Or when the tortoise can’t find his mate on National Geographic? Or simply when someone on TV is crying? Why oh wy can’t I cope with sad movies? Oh Gawd… it’s just me, isn’t it?


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