I’m talking books, jeans and walk-in-wardrobes with author Hilary Grossman

Hilary GrossmanI’m absolutely delighted to have the awesome Hilary Grossman on the blog with me today. Hilary is such a laugh a minute, which we really need right now, so I highly recommend your check out her books. But in the meantime, come and meet her…

Hi Hilary! It’s fantastic to have you join me on the blog today. I’ve been looking at your website and laughed out loud at your ‘random facts about me’ page! We are actually quite alike. I’m totally obsessed with denim too. But we’ll get to that in a bit. First, I’d like to talk about your books. How many books have you published? 

Hi Suzy!  Thanks so much for having me!  I’m so excited to be part of your blog!  I have published five books. My latest novel, Mom Genes, was published on March 24th.  

Can you tell us a little bit about Mom Genes?

Mom Genes by Hilary Grossman

If you like Class Mom and Big Little Lies, you’ll love Mom Genes! This is the second standalone book in my Forest River PTA series. When Claire returns home from a trip to Italy separated from her husband of thirteen years, the imaginations of the Lululemon-clad ladies’ who lunch spin into overdrive. As Claire dips her toes into the dating world one dud at a time will she find the happiness she craves or succumb to the pressure of the mean moms?

Do you have a favourite genre to read?

Yes, I love to read women’s fiction and suspense / thriller novels. 

Beach life

You literally live on the beach (you’re so lucky!), how has this affected your writing?

Oh man!  I have to really update my about me page…. I lived on the beach (in NY) for about fifteen years. However, we moved inland a few years ago.  Living on the beach was a total dream come true (well, except for when Hurricane Sandy tore through and severely damaged my home and community).

There was nothing better than having the opportunity to wake up every morning and see the ocean. I also loved being able to take a walk on the sand when it snowed… My beach town was fairly isolated, which was great for my writing – it allowed me more time to sit with my computer….

What are you working on at the moment?

Hilary Grossman Mom BossI’m working on my 6th novel, Mom Boss, which is the third book in the Forest River PTA series and is a standalone prequel to Go On, Girl and Mom Genes.  Mom Boss is the tale of PTA President, Jackie Martin. Readers have always had a love / hate relationship with Jackie, but now we’ll all find out who she really is… Mom Boss is currently available for preorder.

Book covers

Your covers are so much fun! Who designs them?

Thank you so much! Greg Simanson designed the cover for Go On, Girl and Dangled Carat.  I designed all of the rest! Plan Bea and Plan Cee have had several covers over the years, but I love the latest versions.  It was such a huge accomplishment for me to learn how to create my own covers – and so much fun to do!

When did you decide to become an author?

I’ve always been a very active reader and always wanted to write a book. When I was in college and my early twenties, I’d constantly start a novel and then stop.  Then about ten years ago, I read Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster. Until then I didn’t know what a memoir or a blog was (don’t judge).  Her story completely motivated me to stop dreaming and start writing. I began my blog weeks after finishing the book and began work on Dangled Carat soon after.

Do you dream big? If so, what’s your ultimate dream in life?

Yes, I dream big!  My ultimate dream would be to have one of my books turned into a movie, where I could also play a minor character or at least be an extra.


So, let’s talk about your wardrobe! I can’t believe your husband converted his office space into closet space? How did you manage that? Do you have pictures?

He’s a good man… But the poor guy didn’t have much choice. When I moved in with him I moved my clothes in very slowly. As my mom warned, I didn’t want to bring everything at once and scare him… Little by little I started taking over more space.  Soon he was left with a few hangers.  The office wasn’t used much at this point, so it was an easy choice…

This closet was from our old house and I miss it just as much as I miss the ocean view…

Hilary Grossman closet space

You said you’re obsessed with jeans. What’s your favourite style? And how do you like to wear them? What else are you obsessed with?

I’m obsessed with jeans! I love them all.  I have a ton of funky ones – ripped, embroidered, studded, etc. But I also have some very dressy ones.  I’m fortunate; I’ve been the same size forever, so I never throw out my jeans…

I’m also obsessed with my cat Lucy, who I swear is the feline version of me.  And I also LOVE to cook.

Hilary Grossman’s style

How would you describe your personal style?

I’m in week five of quarantine so my personal style is pretty lame. I am living in the same three hooded sweatshirts.  But normally, I have a very eclectic style.  I wear funky jeans on the weekends.  To work, I typically wear skirts and dresses but alternate with being very conservative or funky. Also, I have a cool collection of shoes to liven things up.

Hilary, thank you so much for this interview. It was awesome!

Thank you so much for having me!  You are the best!

Isn’t Hilary fun? She’s one of those people I’d love to meet up and go out for a drink or two! Her book, Mom Genes is ON SALE for the next few days, so do go grab yourself a copy!

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Author Bio

Hilary Grossman is a recovering corporate executive. She spends her mornings and weekends hanging out with her “characters.” She has an unhealthy addiction to denim and high heel shoes. She’s been known to walk into walls and fall up stairs. She only eats spicy foods and is obsessed with her cat, Lucy. She loves to find humor in everyday life. She likens life to a game of dodge ball – she tries to keep many balls in the air before they smack her in the face. She lives on Long Island.
Hilary’s website
Amazon Author Page

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