My very first YouTube H&M Haul | Try on & link-up

I’m a few hours late today because yesterday I was so sick, I just couldn’t even look at my computer, let alone write a blog post. Fortunately, today I’m feeling much better, so I was able to crack on and get things done. I’d been feeling a little under the weather all week, and then it hit me when I woke up yesterday–the mother of all headaches and severe nausea. I fed the animals and went straight back to bed, where I stayed until 12.30pm when I managed to pull myself out of bed, straight to the sofa lol. I managed to make myself some vegetable broth and I had a little of that, and lots of mint tea and water throughout the day. I also lazily watched a couple of really sweet Netflix movies.

Today, the nausea had gone, as had the bad headache. But as I write, I’m starting to feel a bit shitty again. Hopefully, I’ll be fine by tomorrow. These pesky bugs that do the rounds aren’t very nice, are they?! But enough of all that. Today’s post is all about my very first YouTube H&M haul and try on. I’ve been watching other content creators / bloggers / influencers (whatever you want to call us these days!) do these hauls for a while now and it never really clicked that I should have a go (considering my friends are always telling me I’m the Queen of Shopping!), until I met up with Laurie from Vanity and Me, whose YouTube channel is going from strength to strength. I often watch her videos when I’m having my morning coffee and putting my face on. Anyway, Laurie encouraged me to crack on with more video content and produce my first YouTube H&M haul, so here it is!

I must admit to struggling with the setting of these videos (did you watch my Noracora video on Wednesday?) because my office / wardrobe is rather full at the moment! A good friend of ours was getting rid of his treadmill and gave it to me. So, it’s in front of my big wardrobe at the moment, and I have to climb over and under to get to anything. It also means, recording video is even more difficult than before!

But I managed to do so in the end, but I can’t wait until we move into the new house where I shall have lots of lovely bright options to record video! But we haven’t even started construction yet (thanks Portuguese bureaucracy). In the meantime though, we will be moving into a rental (literally right next door) which also has lots of space, but is quite dark. We’ll see how that goes! For now though, I’m having to use the treadmill as a sort of stage lol! You’ll see what I mean if you watch the H&M Haul video, below! Oh, and a favour to ask…I need at least 100 followers in order to create my own unique YouTube URL, so please subscribe to my channel and share it with anyone you think might like my content (40+ style, life in Portugal, shopping, plant-based food, etc).

I had hoped to feature some photographs of the clothes too, but, because of yesterday’s sickness, I just wasn’t capable. But here are the links to the items featured. And if you’re wondering about my hoodie, it’s from Super Dry. I love it so much, I’m planning on getting another! Michael has one too and we’re both wearing them to death.


For now though, I hope you’ll add your posts from the past week or so. Blog posts, Instagram, YouTube—they’re all welcome! Thanks so much for your support. See you soon! I’m off to lie down for a bit now :/

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