
The Grey Brunette

Ola! I’m Suzy and I created The Grey Brunette to showcase my love of style, beauty, food, travel, my life in Portugal and more. If you love combat boots or trainers with girlie dresses, then this is the place for you!

The Grey Brunette Header

So here I am, launching a brand new blog in 2021 when the world is still up shit creek. But I don’t care. This is my space and I intend to love every second of being here. I just hope you will love every second too.

I’ll be posting all about my love of style and beauty — something I’ve been neglecting lately because I just didn’t feel like suzyturner.com was the right place for it anymore. I’m so freaking excited. Can you tell?


So, why The Grey Brunette? Well, if you already know me, you’ll know that I stopped dyeing my hair almost a decade ago and I simply adore my many silvery strands. I’m going grey and I love it. As I write this, my hair is a bloody mess, to be honest. I have noticed it has changed over the past few years. It’s becoming a bit more well, haywire lol. But, I’m trying new things. My mother-in-law gave me some old heated rollers recently and I’m slowly figuring them out. Over Christmas, she curled it for me and it looked fabulous. I’ve tried twice since and the front was all curly and the back was not. But I digress. I’m trying new things with my hair and beauty and I want to share it all with you.

It’s not all about the hair though. I also want to share new clothes and old clothes with you. How I love to style things that you wouldn’t ordinarily put together, for example. I’m basically going to run riot on The Grey Brunette. It’s going to be a blast, I just know it. The question is, are you coming along for the ride?

As well as a brand new blog, I’ve also created brand new social media pages too! I know, I know. I’m a sucker for punishment. How the hell am I going to get my follower count as high as all my Suzy Turner stuff? Crikey, I don’t freaking know. Perhaps you would like to help?

Find me on: FacebookInstagramTwitterYoutube (videos to come soon)

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