Another comfortable outfit featuring khaki chinos

Following on from my post the other day about my IBS diagnosis where I delved into the subject of what to wear when you’re feeling like a beached whale, here is another comfortable outfit post…

khaki chinosThis was the day after I wore my new C&A trousers and I still wasn’t ready to get back into anything remotely tight. What I needed was another comfortable outfit, so I bought a pair of khaki chinos from Primark. I’d been looking for a pair to replace my favourite brown chinos which now boast a stain on the front. I have no idea where the stain came from or what it is but it won’t shift. Usually, I would just cut them into shorts, but the stain is too high up for that. My friend Sarah suggested stitching some sort of patch over them, which I just might do. I’ll keep you posted on that!

Khaki Chinos

These Primark khaki chinos were exactly what I needed – slightly loose around the tummy area. Actually, in hindsight I think they’re a tad on the large side so they might be a bit too big when I’m feeling better. But they were only cheap so it’s not a big deal! I wore them with my gorgeous gold Converse All Stars which we bought on our most recent trip to the States. You might remember them from my Fab40s post back in January when I wore them with a velvet dress?

Gold Converse

Khaki ChinosI also wore a striped top from Oasis a year ago. It’s got a cute, detachable, embellished collar which negates the need for a necklace which I quite like. But it was the stripes that drew me to it. I’m obsessed with anything stripey. For extra warmth (because it’s still super weird weather over here in Portugal at the moment), I chose to wear my second denim jacket from Primark. It’s darker than my favourite one but makes a nice change.

My orange handbag (another gift from my mother-in-law!) finished off this comfortable look which was for another casual dinner out with friends.

Khaki Chinos

The car

Khaki Chinos

In case you’re curious about the car. It’s a Toyota MR2. It belonged to hubby’s father so has been in the family since 1991. Hubby kept it and has lovingly looked after it since his step-mother passed away over ten years ago. It’s a beautiful car! Incidentally, 1991 is the year hubby and I first got together (the very end of 1991 just after my 16th birthday), so this car is the same age as our relationship 🙂 <3

Linking up with:

Elegantly Dressed and Stylish

Style Splash

Shelbee on the Edge

Not Dressed as Lamb

Style on the Daily

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