Check out my latest self portrait photoshoot

My latest self portrait photoshoot

My latest self portrait photoshoot took place in my office, which is also my wardrobe (I call it my ‘cloffice‘), in front of a grey sheet that I hung up by clipping it to wardrobe doors using hair clips lol! It’s an easy way to create a simple studio. All you need to focus on after that is the lighting. I’m using pretty average artificial light for this shoot.

I started off my latest self portrait photoshoot wearing a fancy strapless dress (bought from a local charity shop a few weeks ago), some black and silver jewellery and a cheap mask that I found in a Chinese shop—oh, and a fan. I tried a few poses, some of which really highlighted my neck wrinkles, so I swiftly placed them in the trash lol! But a couple turned out ok, so I edited them in Affinity Photo…

My latest self portrait photoshoot
My latest self portrait photoshoot

The mask was uncomfortable because it didn’t sit right, so I took it off and looked for a different prop. Luckily, I remembered this cutest little magnifying glass that was gifted to me a couple of years ago. This photo is one of my favourites. My husband and I both think it has a bit of a steampunk feel to it!
Speaking of props, since I started getting back into photography, I find myself constantly on the lookout for things I can use. Boxes, brooms, simple fishing nets, scarves, wigs! I can’t help myself lol.

Steampunk self portrait

Some of the photographs were taken with me hiding behind my face behind my hands (with a black lace scarf on my head). I think they turned out pretty well, and I certainly had a lot of fun in the editing process! Can you tell? lol

My latest self portrait photoshoot
My latest self portrait photoshoot
Dark self portrait
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