Manipulated Lives by H.A Leuschel – a fantastic collection of novellas by a friend of mine

Manipulated LivesI don’t normally talk about books on this blog – I save that for my book blog. But when I read something really extraordinary that just happens to have been written by a very good friend of mine, then I just have to share it with you all! Manipulated Lives by H.A Leuschel is a collection of novellas all surrounding the subject of manipulation and it’s one of those books that will seriously get you thinking…

Five stories – Five Lives.

Have you ever felt confused or at a loss for words in front of a spouse, colleague or parent, to the extent that you have felt inadequate or, worse, a failure? Do you ever wonder why someone close to you seems to endure humiliation without resistance?

Manipulators are everywhere. At first these devious and calculating people can be hard to spot, because that is their way. They are often masters of disguise: witty, disarming, even charming in public – tricks to snare their prey – but then they revert to their true self of being controlling and angry in private. Their main aim: to dominate and use others to satisfy their needs, with a complete lack of compassion and empathy for their victim.

In this collection of short novellas, you meet people like you and me, intent on living happy lives, yet each of them, in one way or another, is caught up and damaged by a manipulative individual. First you meet a manipulator himself, trying to make sense of his irreversible incarceration. Next, there is Tess, whose past is haunted by a wrong decision, then young, successful and well balanced Sophie, who is drawn into the life of a little boy and his troubled father. Next, there is teenage Holly, who is intent on making a better life for herself and finally Lisa, who has to face a parent’s biggest regret. All stories highlight to what extent abusive manipulation can distort lives and threaten our very feeling of self-worth.

My Review of Manipulated Lives by H.A Leuschel

I don’t usually read short stories or novellas – actually, I never read them… until I was introduced to the deeply moving stories in H.A Leuschel’s Manipulated Lives.
I decided to read one per night, which was just the perfect length before bedtime. Manipulated Lives tells the stories of five very different people who have been affected, one way or other, by extremely manipulative people. And the hardest part on finishing each story, is knowing that these horrible things happen to so many people in their everyday lives.
H.A Leuschel demonstrates with her wonderfully talented way with words, just how these people use manipulation techniques to get exactly what they want – it could be a husband abusing his wife, an old man who has twisted things to his liking all his life or a troubled youngster simply looking for a better life. Whether it’s the main characters themselves who are the manipulators or who are being manipulated, you’ll see through H.A Leuschel’s masterpiece just how easy it is to be affected in this way.
If you’re intrigued by people’s lives and relationships, then I urge you to read Manipulated Lives. It’ll sadden you for sure, but I have no doubt that you’ll be sucked in to these worlds the author has created. You might even start to look at those around you just a little differently…

About the author

Author H A LeuschelHelene Andrea Leuschel was born and raised in Belgium to German parents.  She gained a Licentiate in Journalism, which led to a career in radio and television in Brussels, London and Edinburgh. Helene moved to the Algarve in 2009 with her husband and two children, working as a freelance TV producer and teaching yoga.  She recently acquired a Master of Philosophy with the OU, deepening her passion for the study of the mind. Manipulated Lives is Helene’s first work of fiction.

Manipulated Lives is available on Amazon UK | Amazon US as a kindle edition or paperback.

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