Creating Comedy: exploring Morticia Addams in my latest skit

Are you ready for a laugh? This week I decided to try something I’ve always wanted to have a go at but have never been quite brave enough…create my very own comedy skit, featuring Morticia Addams! I know, I know…it’s not anywhere near Halloween but I’ve always adored The Addams Family—both the original series from back in the 60s to Angelica Huston’s version to the newest Wednesday show. I just love the dark humour and the beautiful haunting looks worn by Morticia Addams herself. So, I got out my green screen and gave it a go…

My version of Morticia Addams is quite different from previous ones because, well, for one she’s got lighter hair lol! And only because my wig is actually bright red. But, because I thoroughly enjoyed creating these scenes, I’m going to splash out on some new wigs (of all kinds) so that I can continue down this creative rabbit hole LOL! What fun I had! It’s only a very short video, but I did include an outtake right at the very end where I got so frustrated with the wig that I screamed a rather naughty word! If you want to see some of the original Morticia Addams scenes, you can find them here.

Some of you might be wondering what the point is of all this, well…the point is…to have some fun! To get creative and try new things. That’s what all this is about. And of course, it’s also about my YouTube channel which I’m trying to grow. Funny thing is, the more new subscribers I get, the more UN-subscribers I get too!!! What is it with people? Why bother subscribing if you’re only going to unsubscribe shorty afterwards! My subscriber count has been hovering around 890 for the past two months! Talk about frustrating…especially considering I need 1000 subscribers to be able to monetise my channel! Rant over LOL!

Ever since I was young, I dreamed of acting and being on television. Now, I’m sort of doing that and it’s exciting (kinda). I also wanted to be a model, but I didn’t think I had the right look or height. However, I’ve found a way to do it through my blog. It’s amazing how dreams can come true, even if it’s in a different way than you expected!

So, even if I don’t get the subscribers that I’d like, I’m still going to continue having fun this way, re-creating movie and TV scenes, challenging myself to new heights and learning new skills because the little kid in me wants to continue to have fun for the rest of my life. And shouldn’t we all listen to the little kid within us?

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