After last week’s post about my frustration at shopping for loose-fitting jeans, I thought I’d share with you the new bootcut jeans that I did buy whilst shopping. This is very much an every day outfit—the kind of thing I’d wear if I was nipping to the supermarket or meeting a friend for a coffee.
I must admit that after my frustrated moan about the lack of other styles of jeans in the shops at the moment, I’m actually really impressed with these new bootcut jeans that I bought from C&A. The denim is lovely and thick so they’ll be perfect to wear when the weather eventually takes a turn for the worse. And they’ve also got a nice stretch to them, which I do insist when buying jeans. I like to be able to sit cross-legged on the floor if the need arises (if I get back-ache, for example) or, if I fancy suddenly jumping up into dancer’s pose….LOL

I know this is a very simple outfit, hardly worth showing on the blog, but it’s all about the new bootcut jeans, nothing more! Anyway, that’s enough about that. Let’s get on with the Neverending Style link-up! I hope you’ll add all your fab posts from the past week or so (Insta posts are also welcome, of course).

One of my favourites from last week’s was Daenel’s Cape top and Palazzo pants outfit for the Ageless Style challenge. I just think she looked absolutely FREAKING GORGEOUS, that’s all! Check it out for yourself on her blog, Living Outside the Stacks.