Red, white and black: colours that just seem to work together

Red, white and black, colours that just seem to work together, right? Especially when the majority of an outfit is black and white and you just add a hint of red – like a cardigan, a handbag, a lipstick or a pair of shoes. Red, white and black – it just sounds right too!

Red, white and black

When friends suggested we head out for a meal, we thought it would be great to lift our spirits a little (see last paragraph). We went to one of our favourite restaurants up the Monchique mountains, Luar da Foia, and had a delicious meal.

A hint of red

As it was a cool evening, I knew I’d need a cardigan so I opted for my red one; and what better colour combination than red, white and black? This was the first time I’ve worn the white jeans which, incidentally, I bought from Massimo Dutti in the sale last year. I completely fell in love with them but they’re super long and as they’re flares with a turn up, I have no idea how to shorten them. Basically, I’ve had to wait for the weather to warm up so I could wear high platform sandals with them. If anyone has any ideas, I’m open lol. I usually hem jeans myself but I am nervous about these.

The sandals have appeared on the blog before, when I wore them with a super slinky, tight, little black dress to go out for dinner to the lovely Penina Grill restaurant with good friends. I love these shoes – they’re such fun and they go so well with this gorgeous Ted Baker clutch (which I also wore with the same outfit last summer).

Red, white and black

Red, white and black

My black top is one of the tops that I wear to death every year and would you believe it, I bought it from Primark. I love the asymmetry of it, which hides a multitude of sins – perfect for when you’re feeling a little bloated 😉

Red, white and black

You won’t recognise this necklace, though. I’ve had it for about eight years and would you believe it if I told you I don’t think I’ve ever worn it?! My good friend Lizzie borrowed it once to go to a wedding but that’s probably the one time it’s ever been worn. Shocking, right? I mean, it’s gorgeous! I’m rolling my eyes at myself right now 😉

Red lipstick that stays put

Red, white and black

All in all, I was really happy with this outfit. I just felt good in it and that’s what matters, right? Oh, I almost forgot. The lipstick! I recently bought it because I’ve always envied those women that wear red lipstick all the time and it never seems to come off. I’ve wanted to find the perfect ‘lip stain’ for years. I’ve tried a few but they always dry my lips out and they end up looking a total mess. This one, however, is actually quite good. The colour is absolutely divine. It’s from Sheer Sense and it’s called Lip Sense Lip Colour.

I bought the red lipstick and the gloss that you really need to use with it. I didn’t bother buying the remover because I found coconut oil and a bit of bicarbonate of soda works just as well. The only problem I have with the colour is, after a few hours, some of it seems to get rubbed off by my top teeth where they sit on the inner part of my bottom lip. But as long as I can top up the colour, it’s fine. By the way, I really dislike this photo but it was the only one to show the lippy up close!

Are you a fan of red, white and black? Is it a colour combination you find yourself wearing a lot of?

Saying goodbye

Last week was a tough week. We had to say goodbye to our beautiful little princess Hermione. She’d contracted feline AIDS a few months ago and, although we tried to prolong her life, her health suddenly went downhill and we had to make the sad decision to let her go. We buried her beneath our cherry tree, pictured behind me, above. It was a place she would often lie and so it only seemed fitting that it should be her final resting place. For such a little cat, it’s surprising how empty our house feels without her. We miss her terribly.


Vanity and Me / Not Dressed as Lamb

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