Sleeping on a silk pillowcase: the holy grail of beauty?

Something that has always intrigued me, is how some people manage to look so awake and well rested – not to mention line-free first thing in the morning. I, on the other hand, always seem to wake up with my hair looking like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards, and with deep lines covering my face. But I think I’ve just discovered their secret: sleeping on a silk pillowcase.

Have you tried sleeping on silk? If not, read on because I’m about to change your life. Well, a teeny part of your life anyway. I was incredibly fortunate to have been gifted a silk pillowcase by the lovely folk at Kitts Boutique. It arrived last Friday and so I’ve had a few nights to test it out.

On my first morning, I kid you not, I woke up with a completely line-free face and my hair looked normal. I mean… I barely had to touch it and it looked good. That. Never. Happens. And I have short hair and short hair is renowned for being a nightmare first thing in the morning, right?

The second morning. The same thing. And I had a horrible cold. Could this be the holy grail of beauty? I’m thinking it might well be.

Okay, so before we all get carried away, this morning I did wake up with my skin looking a little less than amazing (!), but I think that’s more hormone-related that anything else. I still felt pretty good. I’m not a good sleeper. Haven’t been for quite a few years now. I don’t know why I don’t sleep well. Hubby insists it’s because I haven’t got a clear conscience (!) – he sleeps like a baby every single night and every single morning he asks me how I slept. Most mornings I want to punch him (only kidding….kinda) because I always sleep the damn same. Tossing and turning every night. Vivid and crazy dreams fill my eight or nine hours and I’m constantly moving my pillow around to try and get comfortable. I usually end up having to do yoga breathing or bed yoga.

Although I’m still tossing and turning a fair amount during the night, and still having vivid dreams (last night I was building a house in Siberia with a Siberian Tiger watching in the distance and snow storms, tsunamis and rock falls all threatening me…sigh), I’m actually much more comfortable than I have been in ages. I can remember waking up briefly and smiling to myself at how nice the silk felt beneath my skin. Who would’ve thought that sleeping on a silk pillowcase would actually improve my sleep?

Why sleep on a silk pillowcase?

Silk Breathes And Keeps You Cool

It’s Hypoallergenic

Night Creams Stay Put On Your Face – NOT On The Pillow Case

It’s Anti Wrinkle

Helps Prevent Tangled Hair

Can you tell I’m a fan of the silk pillowcase? If I’d have known how great it was, I would’ve searched for one sooner. If you fancy giving it a go, I recommend you check out Kitts Boutique for your silk pillowcase – they’d also make great gifts as each pillowcase comes in a luxury bag within a very luxurious box. I should also add that the pillowcases are fine in the washing machine on a low temperature hand wash cycle, but no tumble drying!

* Although I was gifted this silk pillowcase from Kitts Boutique, all opinions are entirely my own.


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