Street Style Decoded – according to the Fab40s!

street styleIt’s the last Monday of the month – time for the Fab40s to get together and have fun with fashion! And this month we’ve certainly had fun, after the lovely Dee chose the theme: ‘Street Style Decoded’. To be honest, it was nice to think about something other than the worrying times we’re living in at the moment.

What exactly is street style, anyway? Well, it means different things to just about everyone, I guess. I did actually google it before I chose what to wear and I was totally dumbfounded lol. According to Wikipedia, Street style is “a specific fashion style which comes originally from British fashion culture. It is a comprehensive approach to fashion and produces styles which intersect and differ from mainstream fashion considerations…. The ‘street’ approach to style and fashion is often based on individualism, rather than focusing solely on current fashion trends.”

My interpretation of street style

So, basically street style is pretty much anything you fancy wearing – anything that shows your individuality. If you google street style, you might be as dumbfounded as I was lol. Not just because of the vast variety of styles, but because many of them are totally OUT THERE lol! I do try not to be judgmental of what people wear, because I really do believe that we should all wear whatever the hell we want to wear. However, some things are just weird – just like people are weird. And that’s great. Truly great lol.

As for my outfit, I’m not much of a way out person when it comes to style so I went for something a little more, erm, normal (!). Skinny faded black/grey Levi’s, a zebra print shirt from Promod (similar here and here), a pinstripe waistcoat from Stradivarius (similar here), my incredible sparkly pink Doc Martens (find them here or another even more fabulous pair here) and a hat that I borrowed from hubby. I added a black/grey handbag with hints of animal print (another gift from mother-in-law) and a cute pink necklace (also a gift from mother-in-law lol). It’s perhaps not everyone’s idea of street style, but it’s mine. I could have added a massive coat resembling a duvet cover, and perhaps a pirate’s hat and then perhaps I would fit in with everyone else at Paris Fashion Week he he he (just kidding!) 😉

Pink sparkly Doc Martens

street style

Now, let’s see how the other Fab40s gals decoded street style!

Dee, Dee Sayz

Chunky boots and wide-length trousers is a popular look for street style and Dee looks great with the addition of a zebra print scarf (great minds think alike, right?) and a gorgeous leather handbag.
Outfit Details:
Top: Tyche USA
Rest: Local Stores in Delhi

Sheela, Sheela Goh


As usual, Sheela looks like she’s just stepped off the pages of Vogue magazine! I love everything about this outfit, the prints, the gorgeous skirt and those boots! Man, those boots…. !

Outfit Details:
My entire outfit is thrifted from Goodwill with the exception of those boots which are from

Shelbee, Shelbee on the Edge

I did actually consider wearing shorts with tights for the street style challenge, but in the end I chickened out. But it seems Shelbee and I were on similar wavelengths again with our borrowed hats from our hubbies lol. Shelbee has nailed the look this month. She looks fun, flirty and ready to hit the streets!
Outfit Details:
Clutch, Tee Shirt, and Shorts-Target
Tights-c/o Sheertex
Necklace-Talbots (but I added the tassel)
Rings-Michal Golan
Hat-Borrowed from my husband

Daenel, Living Outside the Stacks

Coming soon!

And me…

street style
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