I can’t believe it’s Friday…AGAIN! What is happening? Where is the time going? I know I said the same thing last week, but the weeks just seem to be going by so much faster these days. I’m still keeping super busy at the moment, but I’m not ready to share what I’m up to just yet. I’ll reveal all (nothing too thrilling so don’t get too excited LOL) next week. For now though, I’m sharing a simple outfit I wore a couple of weeks ago to go shopping with Michael…

Like I said, it’s nothing fancy, but, judging by my amusing, screwed up face, I guess I liked it! I’ve always loved tank tops, especially when they’re worn the old fashioned way—with a plain shirt beneath it. On this occasion, I wore a blue tank top that I bought from the golf shop where I used to work part time. I’ve teamed it with a really soft white shirt and my trusty bootcut blue jeans from C&A. For added pizazz, I swapped my glasses for a red pair, donned a red Alice band and grabbed my practical red handbag from Baggalini (a brand specialising in travel bags). And my shoes are white Skechers—with a bit of a retro edge to them.
I know you’re probably sick of seeing me wear blue jeans, because every time I seem to post lately, I appear to be wearing them. I promise though, that I’m not actually wearing them THAT often. Well, I am wearing blue jeans today (skinny ones with my Ugg boots for warmth) LOL. Speaking of warmth. The weather has turned really quite chilly here in the Algarve. I certainly wouldn’t go out like this without a jacket. Brrrrrrrrrrr.
What’s it like where you are? Is it full-on winter yet? Please link up all your fab posts in the Neverending Style Link-Up below. I haven’t had much of a chance to read many posts this week but I’m looking forward to having a gander over the weekend!
Oh and don’t forget to check out my 55% discount at the Poster Store’s Mega Black Friday Sale today! See you soon!

One of my favourites last week was Mireille who wore the most fabulous poncho—and I thought it was really fitting, considering my last link-up post was showing off my own poncho! But MIreille’s photos completely outshone mine. She looks positively stunning in that gorgeous location with the bright blue sky behind her! Check out her post here.