WANTED: Gay Best Friend


Yes, I am sitting on a wheel. It just happened to be there 😉

Have you noticed that many characters in chick lit novels (some of mine included) often have an uber fabulous gay best friend? You know, the kind of guy who is always there when the protagonist needs to go shopping? Or needs a shoulder to cry on? Someone to say whether this polka dot H&M dress really does go with the white Converse and the denim Primark jacket? I think it does… but you never know!

I’ve always a wanted a gay (male) best pal. I love reading and writing novels where the main character’s best male buddy is gay and proud of it. Someone they can shop with who is honest and playful. Someone they can totally depend upon 24/7. He’s always stylish, he’s sometimes sexy and he’s totally up front about everything. He’s the dream guy, really. He just happens to like men.


Day dreaming about having a gay best pal

I’ve had lovely colleagues and neighbours who were gay but I guess we just didn’t gel enough to become best buddies. And I’ve met the best friends of other pals who are gay and wonderful… making me quite envious of their relationships.

And then of course there are those few that I’ve met over the years have had crushes on my husband, which is understandable – he is hot! But back to the task in hand. Finding a gay best friend. Hmm… how am I going to do that? Any ideas? 😉


Hey you! Yes you… wanna be buddies?




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