White linen trousers and teaching my first ‘proper’ yoga class

White linen trousers and teaching my first ‘proper’ yoga class

Just over a week ago, I gave my first serious yoga class. I say serious because all of the other classes I’ve ever given have been to friends and acquaintances. To be honest, I was super nervous to start with. I mumbled through the very beginning and forgot a few warm up exercises I had planned before I started to relax and get into it.

My clients, who were part of a yoga retreat, didn’t know that I was a ‘beginner’ teacher until I told them afterwards. Surprisingly for me, they were surprised and said they’d never have known. These words were such a confidence boost and made me feel a million times better. I now feel truly ready to teach yoga to people I don’t know. So, some time this week, I’ll finally be making some leaflets and spreading the word about my one-to-one classes. I’m still a little nervous, and excited. I can’t wait to get my first clients. Hopefully, it’ll be soon! I’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, if you’re visiting the Western Algarve (or you live here!) and want to start yoga, get in touch!

Today’s outfit

White linen trousersNow, to today’s outfit. I wore this out to dinner last week with friends. The weather had warmed up a little bit and so I felt ready to get out my white linen trousers. However, it soon cooled down and I was a bit chilly after dinner. The weather here is still super weird for this time of year. As I write this, it’s very overcast and looks like it might rain. My poor hubby is currently in Lisbon (Estoril) for a motorbike track day and it was raining first thing this morning. I’m still waiting to hear whether he’s managed to get on the track yet!

White linen trousersBut, I digress. The outfit. It was one of those days when I felt ‘urgh’ and bloated so I didn’t want to wear anything remotely fitted. I wanted something loose and floaty over my stomach area, so this red top that I bought from Stradivarius a few years ago was exactly right. And as I mentioned before, it was quite warm during the day so my white linen trousers felt right too. Unfortunately, they’re too long to wear flat shoes so I had to wear heels. Lucky then, that I’ve got the most comfortable pair of heels that I’ve ever had. I love these clog-like sandals. I bought them from the Guimaraes shoe shop at the Portimao Retail Park. Sadly, these particular ones are no longer available but there are similar ones here.

White linen trousers

White linen trousersIf you’re a regular reader, you’ll recognise my trusty denim jacket. Would you believe it’s from Primark? When I was shopping for a denim jacket, I tried on every denim jacket in every shop at the Aqua Centre and the best one was this one. Not only did it feel right and look right but it was also the cheapest. It gets a lot of wear at this of year too.

White linen trousersMy Desigual handbag features regularly on the blog too. Ever since I bought it from The Designer Outlet in Faro, I’ve barely put it down. And it was such a bargain in the sales! I do love a good bargain.

White linen trousers


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