White outfits for white witches (or wannabe white witches!)

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the fact that when most of us think about witches, we think of them wearing black. And I do like to wear black, myself. But about white? How would you style a white outfit, for a change? Just for a bit of fun, I had a look online to see if I could find any amazing outfits, perfect for witches (or wannabe witches) that are white – or pale colours.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this is what white witches should be wearing lol. These are just some examples of things that I would wear as a white witch. Here’s what I found…

Ophelie Dress


Dis Oui Maxi Dress

Lace / crochet blouses

Simply gorgeous dresses

Ok, so you might notice that these seem to be from the bridal range, but who cares?! I’d totally wear each one of these gorgeous frocks out to a (very) special occasion. Just not to someone else’s wedding lol. Seriously, aren’t they absolutely divine? And two of them are on sale!

Gel Nail polish

I chose to share Mylee Gel nail polish with you because it’s the one I’ve been using this summer. I bought myself the full gel nail set and taught myself how to use it and I’ve been thrilled with the results. In fact, I just bought some absolutely GORGEOUS darker shades which I’ll tell you about soon. For now though, how about some white and creamy shades for the white witches out there 😉

So what do you think of my white witches choices? Like ’em? Personally, I absolutely love every single one of these items and it would be fab to wear them all, right?!

Love & Light

Suzy x




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