Some of my favourite photographs incorporate a woman in a red dress, in a forest, on a hilltop, in the mountains or on the beach. Wherever she is, she’s often gazing off into the distance and you can’t necessarily see her face. These images can be quite striking, so I thought I’d take my camera and my red dress and go for a little drive to find somewhere pretty to have a go at taking similar images myself. To see if I could create my own photographs of a woman in a red dress (me!).
This particular spot is just a five minutes drive away from where I live so I parked my car on the side of the road and carried my new camera bag (!) containing my camera, red dress and sandals and my new tripod to this little lakeside location. It’s the first time I’ve done a self-portrait session where cars can drive past and people can see me, so I must admit to feeling a little self-conscious. But once I realised nobody was looking in my direction, I was fine.
So I threw on my red dress (over my shorts), set up the camera to shoot with the intervalometer and pressed ‘start’! I don’t know if you ever take photos of yourself like this, but it does take some getting used to. But I soon got the hang of it, and I just wandered around the trees and the lake, occasionally checking the camera to make sure I was actually in shot.
After getting a few images in focus (!), I packed up and headed home. I actually really enjoyed myself and so, I’m planning on getting out of the house again soon. Next time, I’ll head even further afield to see what I can find. In the meantime, I edited my images and I’m really pleased with the result. So, without further adieu, here are my self portraits: Woman in a Red Dress…