The addiction continues: finding a location to match a yellow scarf

Yellow scarf

Yesterday was a public holiday here in Portugal, so we went out for a little drive up the mountain, somewhere to grab a cup of tea and a slice of cake and spend an hour or so in each other’s company. Hubby was determined to find a Mimosa tree to take my photo because he thought it would look good with my yellow scarf. (I’ve got him well trained, haven’t I?! lol). Unfortunately, all the mimosa trees were situated in dark shady spots on the side of the main road with nowhere decent to stop for photos. In the end, we gave up on that idea and then stumbled across these beauties.

Yellow scarf

We just love nature, wood and trees, so imagine our joy at spotting these incredibly enormous logs. Can you imagine how much each one must weigh? I’d have loved to see the machinery used to cut them down and transport them to this pretty spot in Monchique.

My outfit was probably not the best for this location, because, apart from the yellow scarf, I seemed to blend in a bit too much. But it was such a pretty spot, we couldn’t resist. Because it was such a chilled out morning, with nothing special planned, I decided to stick to a more casual outfit. I don’t often wear white jeans in the winter (for fear of getting them dirty – especially with three cats and two dogs that enjoy playing in the dirt!), but I figured I’d just change out of them when we got home.

Yellow scarf

I think my tan Timberland boots look pretty good with the white jeans. The only problem is the handbag. Like I mentioned on Monday, I used to watch What Not To Wear religiously (both the US and the UK versions), and they always went on and on about things not having to match, just having to go. Well – as you can see by my outfit, my handbag matches my boots. To be honest, I don’t really care that much about this advice given by Stacey & Clinton (or Trinny & Susannah) because I’m a firm believer that we should all wear whatever the heck we want to wear anyway. My problem is that in this instance, I thought the boots and my Marta Ponti handbag were a bit too matchy-matchy. But… none of my other handbags looked right. So matching handbag was the only way to go! Never mind. Maybe it’s time to go shopping for an alternative handbag to wear with these boots he he he. Great excuse, anyway!

Yellow scarf

I don’t think I’ve ever featured this coat on the blog before. I bought it about four or five years ago from Mango – mainly because we were headed to the US and I wanted something warm but stylish.

Unfortunately, I neglected to think about the weight of the coat. And I found it a tad heavy during our trip to Washington (pictured above). So I only use it occasionally because I’ve since bought some lighter versions. Not sure if you’re aware, but hubby and I are a bit obsessed with coats lol. We have rather a lot of them 😉

The pink top beneath the coat is one I bought in the sale last year. And would you believe that I got it from the kids section in H&M? I often look in there because the largest kids size usually fits me perfectly. And kids stuff is often way more fun! Just a few days ago, I bought another kids pink sweater from there. Hubby doesn’t like it because it’s seriously bright and a bit childish, I guess. Which is probably why I love it so much. I’ll show you soon, I promise 😉

Yellow scarf

Now to the highlight of today’s outfit. Yes, you’ve guesses it. It’s the yellow scarf. What a surprise! If you read my post last week about scarves, you’ll know I’m a bit addicted to them. I can’t actually remember where I bought this one. It might have been H&M, but I can’t be sure. Obviously, it was the bright yellow that attracted me to it in the first place. And would you believe, I’ve hardly ever worn it? Crazy, right? It is a huge yellow scarf, so sometimes that has been a bit of a put off. But on this occasion, it’s exactly what I needed.

Musical inspiration

On a completely different note, I’m listening to one of my favourite play-lists at the moment and one of my all time songs just came on. All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You by Heart. It’s actually this song that inspired my novel, And Then There Was You.
Isn’t it just one of the best songs ever? I’m singing at the top of the voice at the moment…
Yellow scarf


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